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Brown Iris
Iridology Chart
bright eye

What is Iridology?

Iridology is the study of the iris using a clock-like mapping system to detect imbalances and inflammation within the body. Markings, coloration’s and fiber abnormalities of the iris can determine inherited traits and possible weaknesses. The iris is connected to thousands of nerves which stem to various bodily systems via the brain. The body’s overall health is then recorded by nerve impulses through the brain and onto the iris. 

The origins of Iridology date back 3000 years and was practiced in Ancient Egypt, China and India. It was later ‘modernized’ in the nineteenth century in Europe and is practiced throughout the world today.

Iridology is not used as a diagnostic tool but rather a preventative one, identifying areas of the body in need of repair and rebuilding. Often, it’s used for early warning detection, identifying possible areas of weakness in the body so we can rebalance before illness sets in.

What can it detect?

  • Inherited genetic weaknesses or strength of the body

  • Overall state of the body’s health

  • Where inflammation is highest in the body

  • The degree of toxic settlement in organs, glands and tissues that may be progressing towards illness and a disease state

  • Possible cholesterol and inorganic sodium accumulation

  • Identifies organs in need of repair and rebuilding

  • The degree of circulation in various organs

  • The state of the intestinal tract, stomach and autonomic nerve wreath

  • Circulation and lymphatic congestion

  • Heart stress

  • Nervous system stress

  • Cognitive congestion and the potential for senility

What happens in a session?

Pictures of each iris are taken and observed on a big screen where they are assessed with the client. An iridology map is used to read the health of each side of the body through the left and right irises. A basic nutritional consult is included.

Session Cost:

  • Full session (1 hour) - $65 + GST Includes basic nutritional consult


Iridology does not diagnose illness or disease and is not intended to replace medical advice.

Always consult with your doctor for further testing and diagnosis.

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