What is Live Blood Cell Analysis?
Live Blood Sample
Live Blood Sample
Live Blood Sample
Live Blood Sample
The History
Discovered and studied by numerous scientists and doctors since the 1800’s, Live Blood Cell Analysis is the study of blood structures (red and white blood cells, platelets, crystals and microorganisms) and is based on the Polymorphic theory. We are born with a plethora of microorganisms which are sensitive to changes within our body’s biological terrain, especially changes in pH, and can evolve based on the environment they are presented with. The process of this evolution is called Polymorphism (many-forms) and with this evolution, we are able to see how these microorganisms are contributing to our health or hindering our health.
Live blood cell analysis is a functional tool used to educate clients on where appropriate adjustments can be made to prevent the onset of disease. Because this test is so visually powerful, it can have lasting effects on the client as they are able to see for themselves what their blood looks like and how it’s directly affected by their diet and lifestyle choices.
What happens during a test? What kinds of things can be seen?
Live Blood Cell Analysis examines blood in its natural state, unaltered by stains or solutions. A small amount of blood is taken from the fingertip and observed under a specialized high-powered microscope which is viewed by both the client and practitioner on a big screen or monitor. This provides a detailed ‘live snapshot’ of the body’s overall health.
We are able to see how red and white blood cells are functioning, observe their shape, movement and magnetism along with microorganisms and other structures. This gives the practitioner information about nutritional deficiencies and hindrances the body might be struggling with.
Because one anomaly can indicate several things, I look for re-occurrences or ‘themes’ that point to areas of focus such as digestion, hormonal imbalances, dehydration, pH imbalance etc. If several anomalies point towards inflammation, then the focus is put on correcting inflammation.
What can it detect?
A motile, balanced immune system
Well functioning healthy red blood cells
Iron deficiency
Latent Tissue Acidosis
Low Enzyme Production
Immune Hindrances
Candida Overgrowth
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Lymph Congestion
Circulatory Stress
Free Radical Damage
Liver Stress
Kidney Stress
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
Hormonal Imbalances
Poor Digestion & Absorption
Toxic Bowel
Adrenal Stress
Thyroid Stress
For example, Rouleau is an anomaly where red blood cells stick together creating a stack of cells that tightly fit one on top of another, into a roll. When blood presents like this throughout a sample, it means a few things. Red blood cells carry a negative surface charge which enables them to repel off one another and move freely within plasma.
When the charge changes to positive, their zeta potential (magnetism) has been lost. Positively charged proteins adhere to the cells surface and the cells begin to stick together. Red blood cells in a big clump are unable to conduct cellular respiration properly, meaning they no longer have the surface area needed to exchange gases and nutrients as easily. In this formation, they struggle to push through capillaries because they are too big.
This becomes a circulatory hindrance on the entire body and on the heart as the heart tries to pump thicker blood. This is also considered a form of inflammation and it is easy to see why.
Initial Assessment:
*It is recommended that clients fast for at least four hours (if possible) and drink plenty of water before the test. No fasting is required for persons with diabetes.
Live Blood only - $65 + GST
Oxidative Stress Test (add on) - $25 + GST
The duration of the test is approximately 60 mins.
Add-on Oxidative Stress Test (dry sample) examines blood and its coagulation morphology. Eight drops (or layers) are put onto a slide and left to dry (or oxidize). Information from acute to chronic health conditions can be seen in the patterns created, as blood spins out around fibrin and settles. Each layer of blood has a mapping system in the form of rings representing reproductive, intestinal tract, abdominal vital organs, bones, connective tissue, lymph and skin. The two tests combined (live and oxidative) give more information forming a complete picture of one’s overall health.
Recommendations along with basic nutritional coaching are emailed after the session. Tests can be repeated in future as a means to check in and stay on track. Follow up sessions includes a review of the previous test with recommendations moving forward.
Live blood cell analysis does not diagnose illness or disease and is not intended to replace medical advice.
Always consult with your doctor for further testing and diagnosis.